Are Ferrets Rodents?

Are Ferrets Rodents?

Are Ferrets Rodents? Many people assume that all mammals that are smaller than a cat or a dog automatically fall into the category of a rodent, but this is definitely not the case for ferrets. This article will discuss what a rodent is, as well as why a ferret is not...
Ferret Cage Reviews

Ferret Cage Reviews

Ferret Cage Reviews In these ferret cage reviews, we compare three of the most popular ferret cage brands, to assist you in deciding which is the best ferret cage for your pet ferret. When you decide to bring a ferret into your family, one of the biggest start up...
The Best Ferret Litter

The Best Ferret Litter

Chances are, you have probably read our articles on the best ferret litter pans as well as our suggestions on how to best litter box train your ferret, so now you are probably wondering what the best ferret litter for odor control is. While there are a couple of...
Angora Ferrets  

Angora Ferrets  

When you hear the word angora, you probably immediately think about rabbits, but angora ferrets are an incredibly adorable long haired pet that you should definitely consider bringing into your home. However, the angora ferret is not one that you generally see in the...
Can Ferrets Swim?

Can Ferrets Swim?

Can Ferrets Swim? Ferrets have a notorious reputation for being smelly animals. While ferret owners know that they aren’t anywhere near as smelly as people make them out to be, there is no doubt that every once in a while you may be forced to give your ferret a bath,...