Have you been wondering about the best ferret cage for your pet ferrets?
Even though we think of ferrets as constantly running, mischievous pets, they sleep a surprising amount. Every day, the average ferret spends between eighteen and twenty hours asleep. This means it is essential to invest in a quality cage to ensure your ferrets are comfortable while sleeping and are safe and happy while you are not home, since it is ill-advised to let your ferret have free roam of your home when you are not there.
This article will discuss a few key features the best ferret cages will have, as well as what to look for in the best outdoor and travel ferret cages.
Top Features To Look For In The Best Ferret Cages:
1. The Best Ferrets Cages Have Levels, Platforms, and Plenty of Room
Since your ferret will spend a good chunk of its time in its cage, it is important to get one that they can move freely in. The more ferrets that you have, the bigger the cage you should invest in. While ferrets often create strong bonds with their ferret siblings, like any siblings, ferrets should have room in the cage to be away from other ferrets.
The smallest size cage you should invest in for a solitary ferret would be three feet wide, two feet deep, and two feet tall. However, the best ferret cages will provide more room than that.
Ferrets love to climb, so the best ferret cages will also provide different levels, ramps, and platforms for them to roam freely on. Many ferrets enjoy slides, so if your ferret cage is tall enough, add a slide to the cage to help keep them entertained. Good examples of tall ferret cages include the Ferret Nation cage, this Prevue Hendryx Ferret Cage and this Kaytee Ferret Cage that comes with ramps and slides
2. Ferrets Love Hammocks and Hiding Places In Their Cages
In the wild, ferrets sleep in tunnels underground, and while our domesticated pets would not survive well in these underground tunnels, the desire to sleep in enclosed, dark spaces has remained. Many of the best ferret cages will provide you with hammocks and beds, but your ferret may desire a higher quality bed than the generic ones that are provided.
Ferrets love fleece and other soft fabrics, so find beds such as this Kaytee Tent or the Marshall Monkey Bed to keep them comfortable.
3. Your Ferret’s Cage Needs A Designated Place For A Litter Pan
Ferrets, like cats, rabbits, and many other animals, can be encouraged to use a litter box, though ferrets generally are not one hundred percent litter box trained. To help encourage litter box usage, both inside and outside of the cage, the best ferret cages will have a sensible place to attach a litter box. This is where a multi-level ferret cage will again come in handy.
Ferrets, like many animals, generally do not like to eat and drink in the same area that the are defecating and urinating, so place a square or corner litter box on the bottom most level of the cage and add a shallow layer of recycled newspaper or wood pellets. Do not add too much litter to the pan, as ferrets are notorious diggers and will throw excess litter out of the pan.
It is important not to use traditional kitty litters in your ferret’s litter boxes, whether inside or outside of the cage, as these dusty litters can cause damage to your ferrets fragile respiratory system.
Top Tip: Move any accidents into the litter pan and thoroughly clean the area where the accident happened, so the ferret associates the pan, and not other areas of the cage, as where they should be going to the toilet.
4. Ferret Cages Need Wires That Are Close Together
The best ferret cages will be made out of wire to ensure air flow, but it is also important that the wires are not too far apart for a couple of different reasons:
First of all, ferrets are notorious for sneaking into spots it seems like they wouldn’t be able to fit into, and some petite females can squeeze through the wires on cages if far enough apart.
Additionally, cages that have wire floors, ramps, or platforms may result in feet slipping through and potentially causing injury.
5. Ease of Cleaning Is Vital In A Ferret’s Cage
This last feature to look for in the best ferret cages benefits both you and your ferret friends. Ferrets are notorious poopers. Ferrets eat multiple times per day, and it only takes a couple of hours for the food to pass completely through their system. In order to keep your ferrets healthy and to keep your home smelling clean, it is important to clean the litter box at least once per day, and completely replace the litter, wipe down all platforms, and wash food and water containers weekly, increasing the frequency if you have more ferrets.
Best Outdoor Ferret Cages
It’s best to house your pet ferret indoors or in a shaded part of your balcony, so they are part of your family life.
However, if you wish to house your ferret outdoors, you need to provide an outdoor ferret enclosure that has protection from predators and from heat and bad weather. You also need to ensure the cage is escape proof, as ferrets will find any weakness and escape!
Best Ferret Travel Cages and Play Pens
If you travel regularly or are taking your ferret outside, it is wise to invest in an outdoor play pen that can easily be collapsed and a travel cage or carrier that can easily be placed in your car.
The best ferret cages for travel are those with hard plastic and wire that are commonly used for cats and other small pets, like the IRIS Pet Travel Carriers. Simply add a small blanket or towel to make it more comfortable for your ferret.
The travel cages that are made out of fabric and zippers and often advertised for ferrets are not so suitable. A determined ferret can rip a hole in a fabric and zipper carrier fairly quickly, whereas hard plastic and close-knit wire will keep your ferret contained while traveling.
The best ferret play pens for outdoors must have long, closely spaced vertical wires, with few cross-wires like the Marshall Small Animal Play Pen, so ferrets can’t climb out, and a top protecting the ferret from direct sunlight and predators.
It is important to note that you should never leave your ferret unattended outside, as ferrets are master escape artists, and are also vulnerable to high temperatures. Your ferrets must always be supervised when outdoors, or they WILL escape!
If you do take your ferret outside, it is also very important to make sure they are up to date on their rabies and canine distemper vaccinations, as both of these diseases can be spread if they come in contact with wild animals or unfamiliar dogs while they are outside and are both devastating, incurable diseases.
If you are looking for a new home for your ferret or are looking to upgrade your ferrets current home, it is important to shop around for the best ferret cage to fit the needs of your ferret and you. Keep these features in mind as you are shopping around to ensure that you find the best ferret cage for your current situation.